(8 x 2.5 hour sessions - new dates coming soon)
An online series for YOGA & PILATES teachers.
1. Fascia, movement and yoga
2. The fascia and the foot
3. The fascia, the pelvis and the deep abdomen
4. The fascia and the spine
5. The fascia of the back and arm
6. The fascia of the neck and jaw
7. The fascia and the ageing body
8. The fascia, anatomy and the lessons of FR:EIA the worlds first fascia focused BodyWorlds model
10am - 12:30pm GMT
£285 for the series
£40 for individual sessions
2023 - this course has ended but the recordings are available
Understanding the fascial network in movement, along with how it not only connects, but equally as important, how it separates gives you unique insight and skills in how you can be effective in your teaching.
This understanding can help your clients or students to not only move with ease and grace, but also help them understand how to work with their own restrictions, postural imbalances, injury or pain, should they have them.
Importantly this knowledge is essential in knowing how to negotiate your own personal movement practices, training, rehab from injury or surgery, or preparation for sport.
Far too often we see the ideas of the ‘quick fix’ for the body, the sales pitch of ‘you’ll be ..fixed .. in one session’ this treats the body even more like a machine and is still anatomising us further.
To know how this tissue lays out, helps you to feel and see differently, we understand the map, not by seeing it, but by learning the feel and nature of the tissues textures and behaviour.
We become a guide and map reader of the multidimensional landscape under the skin, for yourself and your clients and students.
Giving you unique and essential skills for life .
The way you see the tissues and understand them changes forever
For information and booking contact [email protected]